Quit Complaining
Cupid would not even touch you Your value, not determined by your bricks of gold Your value shaped by the good natures To be glad of...
Cupid's Bow
The day Cupid shoves his arrow into my ass is the day i will enter paradise The day Cupid shoots his bow is the day I will grow wings on...
My Old Friend Pat
My dear friend,you drove away the snakes Bringing Heaven on Earth The people now celebrate Bringing joy and new lives on Earth The...
Hallowed Amends
Irises that speak in tidal splashes of an empathic stare Shutters at the remembrance of the half eaten fruit Over powered at the hands of...
Clashing Omens
The coastal overcast, the trees rustling in the unyielding winds Lightning and thunder crackle, the explosive sounds of the sky Rain...
The Poet Room
(Morning) Self-shunned, feeling like almost an eternity behind stainless glass Sepia frail drapes lay in half shade with bottom barred...
Brooding Street
The oyster is mine! The night sky tips its hat The north star, my navigation for promised glitz Hard rocks of the soul ground to an...
Melody Like Hawkins
Her strums and her passions pour out in a voice of running red wine which flows in shades I hear her words,similarly,with an internal...
Snow's Last Fall
The sepian sunlight shines in the hollowed clear crystaline structure they fall through the icy air ,gliding and surfing in the blizzard...
Clowning Greatly
The red nosed clown performing his tricks on a fire pit The spectators cheer ignorantly where they have always sat A circus for all as...